Student Solution


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2.4 The Nature and Significance of the NT_New Testment Survey

2.4 The Nature and Significance of the NT_New Testment Survey

Q Instructions 1. Read Jesus is Lord, Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5. As you read through this material, keep the questions for the essay in mind. 2. This essay will ask you to address all three of the following questions: a. What is the New Testament? (Select some key descriptors of the New Testament and explain them.) b. How did we get the New Testament that we have? (Briefly explain the process and criteria that were employed.) c. Why should we study the New Testament? (Explain the purposes and benefits of studying the New Testament.) 3. The essay should be 700-800 words long (approximately 3 pages) and should be evenly divided to address each of the three questions.

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When there are many people following one religion and being influenced by many ways, there is bound to be creations of different channels emerging from the main branch, and leading numerous sections and customs in beliefs. The Bible is the biggest and truest expression of God’s words and it is the “path of the ultimate truth”, but the existence of so many beliefs and divisions has led to the establishment of the many meanings and significance one attached to the Bible. There are thus many meanings behind Jesus’ life, His death and His resurrection and interpreting it according to their needs and understanding of the truth.